Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Shin Ultraman (2023) - Movie Review

When I watched and subsequently reviewed Shin Godzilla back in 2016 (man, remember when it felt like that year was the worst that things could get? Good times…), I didn’t think a whole lot of it. Cheap special effects, wordy bureaucratic story, general lack of engaging material; what little I do recall of the film itself isn’t all that positive.

What I certainly wouldn’t have anticipated is that that film would be the origin point for its own cinematic universe: The Shin Japan Heroes Universe as spearheaded by Shin Godzilla’s co-director, writer, and co-editor Hideaki Anno. This universe thus far consists of Godzilla, Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time (and yet, for some reason, none of the other Rebuild Of Evangelion movies), along with today’s subject. And honestly, just based on this latest entry, not only am I looking forward to where this cinematic universe goes, but I might even give Shin Godzilla another honest go at some point.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

How To Blow Up A Pipeline (2023) - Movie Review

I get the feeling that, considering the subject matter of this review and… well, just take a look at the title for the bloody thing, I should probably try and cover my own arse by writing a notice saying, as explicitly as possible, that I do not condone the actions that are depicted in this film and I do not encourage anyone to re-enact them in real life. Y’know, just in case someone gets pissed off enough about what I think of a certain movie to go digging for dirt on me, and decides to quote-mine for anything that they consider wrongthink.

Of course, despite what most media would tell you about pacifists, I am not a coward. As much as my opinions and worldviews are subject to change over time (this blog is having its ten-year anniversary next month; I doubt that I’m even the same person I was ten months ago), I still stand by every word I’ve put down here, if for no other reason than they genuinely represent my understanding of things when I initially wrote them. What I’ve written here is no different.

Besides, if someone truly ends up being inspired by this review, or indeed by the film itself, to try and act out this particular narrative… that’s probably just a stray droplet of water on what was already a tree with deep roots.

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Sanctuary (2023) - Movie Review

For about as long as I’ve shown any real interest in film, I’ve always tried to advocate for enjoying films regardless of where that enjoyment comes from. I have sat through way too many bad films that I went into knowing that they’d be bad, of my own free will, to turn my nose up at what anyone else chooses to do for fun in their off-time. And while I can’t say I have all that much first-hand experience with S&M and other such play routines, quite a bit of my understanding of engaging with media, and indeed my championing of Edgelord Optimism (finding positivity in disturbing and weird shit), shares a lot of DNA with BDSM philosophy. Pain can lead to its own form of pleasure, even if it’s the hyperbolic pain of a bad movie.

Monday, 4 September 2023

Strays (2023) - Movie Review

Hoo boy. It’s been a while since we’ve dealt with some talking animal shit on here, eh? That sub-genre that I keep running into and keep being aghast at just how bad it can get. And on top of that, we’re not dealing with an animated film; instead, we’ve got 2000s-era CGI work meant to make real-life dogs look like they’re talking, as if the non-existence movement above the nose-line doesn’t break the illusion every single time. Yeah, suffice to say, I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of watching this, but to its credit, it does have some merit to it. Just not in any of the obvious places.