Sunday 1 April 2018

Top 100 Favourite Films: Introduction

For as long as I can remember, cinema has been my magic bullet. The one medium that seemed to fit with me the best. The one that gave me access to stories, themes and ideas that I would hold onto the closest over my lifetime. The one that let me unload my pent-up emotions in a way that doesn’t involve inflicting them on others. My understanding of cinema has gone from strength to strength over the last several years. That understanding has allowed me to put the pieces together and pinpoint those special films that not only engaged me greater than most but also taught me lessons that would stay with me and shape my perspective of the world. Growing up on the autism spectrum, I always found it easier to learn from films than it was to learn directly from another person. In fact, it’s because of certain films that I learnt how to interact with people in the real world and come to terms with my place in it. I honestly think tapping into my love for cinema to the extent I have changed me for the better.

I usually spend April discussing my influences, the critics who got me interested and kept me interested in film critique. This year, however, I’m going to pay a more direct tribute to this art form that I have spent so much of my life being fascinated by. I’m going to count down my top 100 favourite films, those particular releases that I hold the greatest affection for and that I owe the greatest respects to. This list is going to involve a wide variety of releases and will involve me discussing a wide variety of topics, some of which are very personal to me. I’ve made it a habit of giving a highly personal perspective on films I review, but this will likely delve even deeper into that perspective than I have previously. This might make some readers uncomfortable with what I have to say and what I’ll be covering over the next month. Well, if I can’t be honest on here, I might as well not write anything at all. Also, expect spoilers for whatever films I end up covering.

But I’m not just doing this for my own benefit; at least, not entirely. Similar to what I did last December as part of Red Ribbon Reviewers, I am going to make a charitable donation at the end of April based on how much traffic the blog gets. Since April is also Autism Acceptance Month, for every person who checks out one of my reviews, I will donate a corresponding amount to the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network. I want to use the power of voice that the Internet and this blog has given me to push for more of us to speak up. I want to do what I can to curb the ableist bullshit I and many others have had to put up with. No blue ribbons, no Siris, no Elmos; for this April, we’re going red instead.


  1. Cain, just saw you on tele.....mate you are a dead set legend. Keep up the awesome reviews and reach for the the way, I too love The Castle! Hows the Serenity. Stay cool buddy. Pete

  2. Hi Cain, Thanks so much for sharing your story. I've really loved seeing your perspective and I wish you all the very best as you pursue your dreams. Great blog.
