Then there’s the effects work, which features the kind of
well-handled motion-capture one would expect from a film with Serkis attached
to it, but it exists in this weird middle-ground where it both works and doesn’t work. The designs for the animals are quite good, even if Shere Khan has a little too much
Tigress-from-Kung-Fu-Panda going on with his facial features, but the texture
quality leaves a lot to be desired. It’s that weird effect where it looks good
until you see it integrated with the live-action scenery and actors and it
becomes apparent that the two worlds clash rather jarringly. Which is a shame since when it's on its own, particularly the hallucinogenic visuals afforded by Kaa, it can get quite stunning.
But all of that could be forgiven. As wonky as the
production values can get, there’s enough good here to outweigh the bad. Where
this goes from begrudgingly good to undeniably hindered is with the writing,
courtesy of first-time scribe Callie Kloves, daughter of producer Steve Kloves.
While I could cut out the middle man and just chalk this one up to misguided
nepotism, that doesn’t quite explain how all-over-the-place this story turns
It taps into familiar territory for the story regarding
Mowgli’s place as too human for the animals and too animal for the humans, but
through all the musings about being stuck in-between two worlds that are in
near-constant conflict with each other, there’s no clear through-line that ties
everything together. Again, the darker tone allows that conflict to bear some
interesting fruit, like the role of game hunters and the surrounding human
culture on the jungle (considering how cows are considered sacred animals by
both societies), but it lacks cohesion to make it stick.
After Breathe, I was genuinely anticipating Serkis’ next
project, and to his credit, this does have enough of its own identity to stand
out against pretty much any other adaptation of this story. However, it still
lacks the consistency to truly stand out all on its own, resulting in a
disappointingly mixed offering.
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